Hi, friends,
I just wanted to share how the appointment with my GI specialist went this past Monday. Thank you so much for praying about it. ❤️
After giving him an update on all that has happened, I’m happy to say that he is being very proactive about the high liver enzymes that are showing up on my blood tests the last 8+ weeks. I get 5 blood tests drawn every single week when my home health nurse comes to change my PICC line dressing. Well, my GI dr. ordered 10 additional blood tests on top of the original 5!! He also placed an order for an elastography scan which is a specialized ultrasound that grades how stiff the liver is—when there’s scar tissue, the liver gets stiff. The more scar tissue there is, the stiffer it becomes. Unfortunately, they’re booked out, so it can’t be done until next month..
I asked him if my high liver enzymes could be from not being able to take my Wilson’s Disease medication (the one that helps chelate copper out of my liver which has been back ordered for many months). In his opinion, he doesn’t think so because symptoms from Wilson’s slowly develop over time and not this fast. But, he did say my case is so complex and that I’m “one in a million.” 😞 These high liver enzymes could be from the Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome….it could be a reaction to a medication or from the antibiotics I took for the abdominal abscess…it could be from my mast cell disorder…or he could be wrong and it IS from Wilson’s…! He just doesn’t know yet, and since things are always so complicated with me, all these tests he ordered may or may not give an answer.. 😢
In other news, I’ve still been dealing with a high heart rate every now and then. I thought the IV iron infusion I received would have helped, but it hasn’t. 🙁 Around midnight last night, my heart was beating fast which made it hard to sleep. I got up and put my Apple Watch on which showed a heart rate of 120 bpm. I remembered that the watch has the ECG feature, and imagine my surprise when it showed an episode of Atrial Fibrillation! Thankfully, I had a virtual visit with my PCP earlier today, and he looked at the Apple Watch ECG report…he did see A-fib on the results. He wants to further investigate and ordered a ZIO patch. This device will record any heart rhythm events for 2 weeks. I really don’t want an official diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation on top of everything else going on. 🥺
Waiting for appointments and scans and results and blood tests…it’s hard to do, especially when I’m not feeling the best. I wish I could have answers right away.. But over the years, I’ve learned that God’s timing is best—truly, my times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15). I think of that verse from Isaiah which says, “From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him” (Isaiah 54:4). So, with God’s help, I will continue waiting…waiting for Him to act but also thanking Him that my life is in His hands, no matter how difficult my challenges become. ❤️