Dear friends,
As I look back on 2018, it brings back so many emotions and memories…. But, I see God’s faithful hand throughout all of it once again.
There were many joyous and happy times….like when my family and I were able to spend 10 amazing days at Disney World/Universal Studios Orlando in February (a very, very special gift from some dear friends). It was such a memorable trip.
But less than 6 months after that, I experienced one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through—my body going into septic shock.
For those who may not know or don’t remember, about 24 hours after my hip surgery, my blood pressure dropped so low that my organs started failing (you can read that post here
). Because of the extremely low BP, my organs didn’t get perfused well, so my liver got hit with ischemic hepatitis, my kidneys stopped functioning, my lungs partially collapsed/accumulated fluid, and more.
It was a nightmare and so traumatic. This experience is forever etched into my mind.
I never shared this photo that my mom took when I was in MICU (just to clarify, this was taken after things started improving). But it’s still hard to look at….I was pretty swollen.
When I was more alert, I remember my MICU (medical ICU) nurse staying by my bedside. She used to work in the cardiac ICU, and she told me how different it is to work in the MICU vs. the cardiac one. She said most patients in the CICU were mainly recovering from a heart transplant….and then once they improved post-op, they got to go home. But working here in the MICU, she told me how not many patients make it out of there.
I realize that could have happened to me. But the Lord, in His faithfulness and with His mighty hand, gave my body strength to fight this.
It’s God’s providence that I was still in the hospital when all this happened (instead of being at home). The doctors acted really fast and intervened before things got even worse.
I thank God for carrying me through that dark time. He is always with me! And He really does hear our prayers and our cries for help.
It’s Day 3 of the year 2019. I don’t know what’s up ahead….maybe this year will be easier…maybe even harder… And sometimes, it feels like I’ve used up all my strength.
But God always fills me back up. He restores my soul. He lifts me up out of deep waters. He gives me grace upon grace.
So I will hold onto these promises tightly. And I will head into this new year with courage!
I know this is a few days late, but Happy New Year, friends. Whatever comes, may we all “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might” (Ephesians 6:10)!
Thank you so much for always praying for me. I’m so grateful for your continued love and caring support these last 8 years. It’s been a long journey!
Love, Kerissa