Hi, friends!
My surgery (to replace my j-tube and also remove the vascular malformation in the bottom of my right foot) was originally scheduled to be done outpatient at the O.R. in the OHSU Center for Health and Healing at the South Waterfront.
But, I saw the “pre-op medicine” doctor last week, and after the appointment, she got in touch with the head of Anesthesiology and my surgeon. Because I went into septic shock and had to go to ICU about 12 hours after my last surgery in 2018, they all agreed that this surgery should be done at the South O.R. up at the main OHSU hospital and then admit me afterwards for observation.
I hope and pray that I don’t go into shock again, but I’m thankful for all of my doctors who are taking these precautions.
I saw my pain dr. yesterday, and she set up a good plan and list of recommendations for the anesthesiology team. She wants them to do a popliteal nerve block before the surgery which will numb the leg from the knee down. In addition, she would like them to leave this catheter in my leg so that I can go home with the nerve blocking medicine continuously going into my leg for up to 3 days. Their hope with this is that it will help prevent a Complex Regional Pain Syndrome flare-up.
I have to get to the hospital at 12:30 pm, and surgery is scheduled for 3:00 pm. Even though this isn’t a big surgery, I have to go under general anesthesia and be intubated because of my central/obstructive apnea.
Would so appreciate your prayers that:
1. the GI team that is changing my j-tube after I’m under anesthesia can also figure out why a specific area near my tube has been so painful lately and why (TMI) it’s been oozing some yellowish-type pus. So we’re not sure if there’s a tube infection brewing.
2. my surgeon can remove the whole mass easily and that it doesn’t grow back again (I had this exact mass that I was born with removed in 2010, but it grew back in 2019).
3. my blood pressure, specifically, can stay up at a good range overnight without any issues. I had dangerously low blood pressure in 2018, and that is why my body went into shock.
4. I will have the stamina and endurance to use crutches (I won’t be able to bear any weight on the bottom of my foot for 4 weeks). It’s always hard for me to use crutches because I have weakness and fatigue from the mitochondrial disease. Thankfully, I have my wheelchair for long distances whenever I go out, but I’ll have to use crutches in the house since our house isn’t wheelchair-friendly.
5. once the nerve block wears off and we pull the catheter out at home, that I will still have good post-op pain control so that I won’t have a CRPS flare-up in my foot.
6. I can be transferred to a private room once admitted and that I won’t have to share one with a stranger. It’s hard enough getting sleep in the hospital, and it’s even harder to share a room with someone.
Anyways, I think that is all! Thank you soo much for praying for me! I am so very grateful for all of you!! As the verse that I lettered at the top of this post says, I know that the Lord is with me and will be there for me every step of the way.
I’ve had so many surgeries and procedures the past 10 years, and as a result of that, I have scars all over my body. But then I think of these lyrics by Matt Redman which are so encouraging!