Hi everyone,
Could you please keep sweet Liam in your prayers? He needs prayer badly. He has hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and his story has been heard all across the nation. His facebook page has over 60,000 “likes.”
His family loves Jesus, and they asked for prayer for him 12 hours ago, and we haven’t heard since then..
Liam’s life continually inspires me as I go through my own little trial. He is so precious and such a fighter. Here is a little paragraph about him that I copied from his facebook page:
William Elijah Lyon, affectionately dubbed Liam, was born February 18, 2011 at 3:25am to Whitney and Brody Lyon in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Although he was about 5 weeks early, he was a perfect size weighing 6 lbs and measuring 19 inches long. But it was quickly apparent there was a serious problem. Thanks to Dr. Seglem and his diagnostic skills – Liam was quickly diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Our boy had a congenital heart defect that is fatal if left untreated. He was transferred that evening by Life Flight to The Children’s Hospital at St. Francis in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The doctors spent a week trying to decide the best course of action and decided he needed a transplant instead of the first of three palliative surgeries (Norwood, Glen, Fontan) and he was transferred to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. He and his mom were transported by an awesome Angel One team sent by the hospital. He has been there ever since. The doctors here thought he should have the surgeries to try and make his heart work as long as possible – maybe even until he was a teenager! He had the Norwood, but it wasn’t working quite right and they had to operate again. It quickly became apparent that the palliative surgery iwas not performing as expected and he was listed status 1A for a heart transplant. He had the Glen, got better for a week, and got much sicker – and then he had a heart transplant. This is his journey and we love him. There are so many people who have followed his story and encouraged us with their prayers. We love you all.
PLEASE pray. Here’s a song that comes to mind when I think of Liam. It was originally written for a little 5 year old girl with brain cancer. Her website has received over 14 million visits. Here’s her story: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mcraekate
Please watch this video and read the words. And most of all, please keep Liam in your prayers.
God is near, little Liam.