Dear friends,
Thank you soo much for your texts, prayers, comments, and messages on my last post. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to respond to them, but please know that I am so encouraged and blessed by you.
It has been a very hard past 6 days here in the hospital. Wednesday night around 1:30 AM was so scary…..after I received my first bag of IV N-Acetyl Cysteine (and the nurse was starting the second dose), my heart rate suddenly started pounding/beating super fast, I got very hot/feverish, I felt like I was going to vomit, my chest was really tight, and I couldn’t breathe well. At first, I thought I was getting sepsis again, but my nurse thought I was having anxiety.. I told her that I don’t have anxiety. She then noticed that my ears were super red, she checked my skin and saw that I was very blotchy all over….it turns out that I was having a severe anaphylactic reaction to the NAC!
I was really disappointed that I couldn’t keep receiving this antioxidant but also thankful to the Lord and His amazing providence. Before making the decision to get admitted, my doctor was initially going to have me try the IV NAC at home, but God knew I needed to be in the hospital. He truly knows what we can’t see.
Since that allergic reaction, it took so much out of me physically, and I’m feeling even worse than when I got admitted.
So very weak and shaky all over (it’s taking me many breaks to type this), the pain has been horrible (it was a 9 more than once and I cried so much
), and more.
But, my doctors have adjusted my pain regimen, and I can now receive IV pain meds every 2 hours, my lab work is looking better than before, and my right eye is not as droopy as it used to be (my left eye is not doing too well—I can’t look to the left and that’s causing double vision, but we’re praying it will get better with time..).
So much waiting going on over here…waiting for the pain to resolve…waiting for my strength to come back…waiting for my eyes to track better…waiting to go home… And it’s hard not to get discouraged. But all of this has been a huge reminder to fully “wait for the Lord” in every single circumstance.
“I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” – Psalm 40:1
“Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.” – Psalm 33:20
“O LORD, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble.” – Isaiah 33:2
Thank you all for continually lifting me up in prayer during this bump in the road!
I am so grateful to God for you.
P.S. Just an FYI, I lettered the verse above a while back, not recently… Too weak now to even write my name with a pen (I had to sign my name yesterday for some paperwork that my mom fills out weekly, and it was so hard!). This means no writing Punkpost cards for a while or hand lettering new pieces.