Life with Small Fiber Neuropathy, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III, Mast Cell Activation, Dysautonomia, Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome, and Wilson’s Disease.


And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


Life with Small Fiber Neuropathy, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III, Mast Cell Activation, Dysautonomia, and Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome


And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Finding Joy 

and purpose 

Amid Pain

Hi! I’m so happy you’re here! :) My name is Kerissa, and I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I started Pain With Purpose to mainly share medical updates and prayer requests with my close friends and family. But it soon became more than that. Over the years, friends and strangers alike have commented on my posts or sent emails to say that my blog has encouraged and inspired them immensely to trust in the Lord and not give up in the midst of their trials! I hope and pray Pain With Purpose continues to be a testament that God can use our pain for His glory and good purposes, even when we may not be able to see that right away. 



“God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but WITHOUT stain.”

“God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but WITHOUT stain.”

C.S. Lewis

 The latest 


& Insightful Journal Entries

 The latest 

Encouraging & Insightful Journal Entries

By Kerissa Lee January 21, 2025
Hi, friends, First off, the piece of art above was hand lettered by me last year before all “this” happened. I’m sad to say that I only have 3 or 4 pieces left to share until I run out.. 😢 I went to see my neuromuscular neurologist in Seattle on January 8th. My neck weakness continues to progress which has been so scary. He said I need to get a neck MRI and some specific blood tests to check for polymyositis. If it is normal, though, his opinion is that this is mitochondrial disease progression. 😔 I haven’t seen my mitochondrial specialist in San Diego in more than 3 years (I started seeing him in 2014!), so I’m sadly no longer considered his patient. The neurologist sent a new referral to him, but I’m not sure if it will be accepted.. He’s almost 80 years old (one of the pioneers of “mitochondrial medicine”). And I don’t know if he’s cutting back on “new” patients.. Even if he did accept my case again, I’m currently not physically well enough to fly down from Oregon.. 😞 My quality of life continues to worsen ever since this unusual neck weakness started this past October. I know I’ve said this before, but I truly miss doing all of my favorite things (like hand lettering art) or even simple tasks (setting up my own IV infusions, vacuuming, washing hair, etc.). 🥺 Before October, I was even starting to drive to physical therapy or the grocery store. Yes, I’m 32 and still don’t have my driver’s license due to being preoccupied fighting mitochondrial disease for almost 15 years now. I never shared the exciting news that I was able to get my driver’s permit over 2 years ago, and it was so fun to drive myself to appointments close to home. Now, I can’t do any of the above which has been difficult to process. I shed tears every now and then just thinking about all that has changed. 😢 I’m having to go to bed around 6:30 PM to lie down and rest my neck. But I’m so uncomfortable from the pain, and I don’t fall asleep until after 3 AM every night. So my pain dr. referred me to palliative care. 😢I know it’s not hospice, but I’m still sad we’re at the point where I even need palliative care. Unfortunately, they’re most likely going to deny the referral (if they haven’t already) because we were told they only see cancer or heart transplant patients. I even checked if there’s palliative outside of OHSU, but they, too, see only oncology. It’s so hard that cancer gets a lot of funding, research, and support, and those with rare diseases are left “on their own.” It’s isolating and lonely. 🥺 I saw my PCP again, and he is just the best and full of compassion. ❤️ He placed the neck MRI as urgent and also ordered more labs to keep pursuing answers since all this is such an atypical picture if it was mito progression.. In case palliative turns my case down, my dr. told me that the internal medicine clinic has a complex and chronic pain management clinic (different from the pain center that I’ve been going to since 2011). He referred me to them to try and help me get more comfortable. I have a wonderful team of doctors and an amazing naturopath, but I’m even going to see a functional medicine doctor for the first time on the 23rd. Praying he could maybe have some additional insight on everything and will offer some fresh ideas for treatment as well.. I also have an appointment with the metabolic geneticist on the 28th.. I’ve read through the Bible more than once, but it’s amazing how the Lord points us to specific verses at just the right time. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think, “I don’t remember reading this before!” Paul David Tripp’s newest devotional Everyday Gospel has been so very encouraging. He shared 2 verses from the book of Genesis where Jacob said that God “answers me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone” (35:3). Several chapters later, Jacob also said that God “has been my shepherd all my life long to this day” (48:15). When I read that, I felt such peace. God spoke to my heart to remind me that He is with me and for me….in every circumstance no matter how hard. ❤️ Could you please pray that I can have the MRI completed this month and not have to wait many weeks? Pray that all of my doctors will have wisdom as my case is so complex. Lastly, could you pray that I will persevere and keep walking by faith? I feel so weary, not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. 😥 Thank you so much for praying for me all these years. ❤️
By Kerissa Lee December 13, 2024
"He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken." Psalm 62:2
By Kerissa Lee November 9, 2024
“Be still, and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10 

 The latest 


& Insightful Journal Entries

 The latest 

Encouraging & Insightful Journal Entries

By Kerissa Lee January 21, 2025
Hi, friends, First off, the piece of art above was hand lettered by me last year before all “this” happened. I’m sad to say that I only have 3 or 4 pieces left to share until I run out.. 😢 I went to see my neuromuscular neurologist in Seattle on January 8th. My neck weakness continues to progress which has been so scary. He said I need to get a neck MRI and some specific blood tests to check for polymyositis. If it is normal, though, his opinion is that this is mitochondrial disease progression. 😔 I haven’t seen my mitochondrial specialist in San Diego in more than 3 years (I started seeing him in 2014!), so I’m sadly no longer considered his patient. The neurologist sent a new referral to him, but I’m not sure if it will be accepted.. He’s almost 80 years old (one of the pioneers of “mitochondrial medicine”). And I don’t know if he’s cutting back on “new” patients.. Even if he did accept my case again, I’m currently not physically well enough to fly down from Oregon.. 😞 My quality of life continues to worsen ever since this unusual neck weakness started this past October. I know I’ve said this before, but I truly miss doing all of my favorite things (like hand lettering art) or even simple tasks (setting up my own IV infusions, vacuuming, washing hair, etc.). 🥺 Before October, I was even starting to drive to physical therapy or the grocery store. Yes, I’m 32 and still don’t have my driver’s license due to being preoccupied fighting mitochondrial disease for almost 15 years now. I never shared the exciting news that I was able to get my driver’s permit over 2 years ago, and it was so fun to drive myself to appointments close to home. Now, I can’t do any of the above which has been difficult to process. I shed tears every now and then just thinking about all that has changed. 😢 I’m having to go to bed around 6:30 PM to lie down and rest my neck. But I’m so uncomfortable from the pain, and I don’t fall asleep until after 3 AM every night. So my pain dr. referred me to palliative care. 😢I know it’s not hospice, but I’m still sad we’re at the point where I even need palliative care. Unfortunately, they’re most likely going to deny the referral (if they haven’t already) because we were told they only see cancer or heart transplant patients. I even checked if there’s palliative outside of OHSU, but they, too, see only oncology. It’s so hard that cancer gets a lot of funding, research, and support, and those with rare diseases are left “on their own.” It’s isolating and lonely. 🥺 I saw my PCP again, and he is just the best and full of compassion. ❤️ He placed the neck MRI as urgent and also ordered more labs to keep pursuing answers since all this is such an atypical picture if it was mito progression.. In case palliative turns my case down, my dr. told me that the internal medicine clinic has a complex and chronic pain management clinic (different from the pain center that I’ve been going to since 2011). He referred me to them to try and help me get more comfortable. I have a wonderful team of doctors and an amazing naturopath, but I’m even going to see a functional medicine doctor for the first time on the 23rd. Praying he could maybe have some additional insight on everything and will offer some fresh ideas for treatment as well.. I also have an appointment with the metabolic geneticist on the 28th.. I’ve read through the Bible more than once, but it’s amazing how the Lord points us to specific verses at just the right time. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think, “I don’t remember reading this before!” Paul David Tripp’s newest devotional Everyday Gospel has been so very encouraging. He shared 2 verses from the book of Genesis where Jacob said that God “answers me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone” (35:3). Several chapters later, Jacob also said that God “has been my shepherd all my life long to this day” (48:15). When I read that, I felt such peace. God spoke to my heart to remind me that He is with me and for me….in every circumstance no matter how hard. ❤️ Could you please pray that I can have the MRI completed this month and not have to wait many weeks? Pray that all of my doctors will have wisdom as my case is so complex. Lastly, could you pray that I will persevere and keep walking by faith? I feel so weary, not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. 😥 Thank you so much for praying for me all these years. ❤️
By Kerissa Lee December 13, 2024
"He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken." Psalm 62:2
By Kerissa Lee November 9, 2024
“Be still, and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10 

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Is there a cure for Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome?

With your current condition, how do you seek to minister to people?

As you walk this path daily, what helps you keep trusting in the Lord?




  • Is there a cure for Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome?

    I keep up with the latest clinical trials through the updates given by the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, but as of yet, there is sadly no cure and only symptomatic treatment. :(  I am on numerous oral medications and push liquid meds through my jejunostomy feeding tube.  I have a permanent central line in my chest to receive daily vital IV infusions/medications.  I also use an adaptive-servo ventilator at night for my central & obstructive sleep apnea.

  • With your current condition, how do you seek to minister to people?

    Because I have fatigue, chronic pain, and other health problems related to my condition, I struggled with the fact that I couldn’t do much.  I truly felt useless that I couldn’t work and have a job, I couldn’t play my violin on the worship team at church anymore, I couldn’t help in the nursery, etc.  So I asked myself, “What CAN I do instead?”  The answer came quickly!  I could pray!  I was following a lot of blogs of babies and little kids with cancer, congenital heart disease, or other rare conditions like mito because it kept giving me a perspective that there are people everywhere we look who are going through suffering, so I began praying for them and the people at my church. :)  In addition, I came across an artist who was teaching hand lettering online for free!  I started learning how to the letter more than five years ago, and God has given physical strength to my hands to letter Bible verses or other uplifting quotes.  It feels like the Lord specifically placed this in my lap as a ministry to share my art with other believers going through hard times or even with strangers online. :)

  • As you walk this path daily, what helps you keep trusting in the Lord?

    In one word, Jesus.  People sometimes come up to me and say they don’t know how I do it.  And to tell you the truth, I don’t do it.  Jesus does.  Every day, I physically feel my broken body, and I am helpless without him.  When I am weak, he is strong.  I know God chose this path for me before I was born.  And whenever it gets overwhelming or discouraging, I trade in my pain for purpose, cast my cares at his feet, and think of something in the past that was hard to go through because it’s a reminder that God carried me through that specific trial.


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for Me?

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